Changing the way we work remotely in the Cloud

Remote Cloud working is not new to the business world, but it is taking a while to reach “lift-off” in South Africa. Cloud computing comes with a plethora of perks and advantages attached, so why are South African businesses lagging behind?

Recent probes uncovered several reasons why Cloud computing plays a role in the business environment but, as yet, doesn’t see enough employees working remotely or making use of flexible working:

  • Mistrust between management and employees (management worry that employees won’t be working responsibly if they aren’t on-site).
  • A lack of technological infrastructure and hardware and softwareb –  companies just don’t have the right technology in terms of Cloud computing systems that support remote or flexible working.
  • The fear of cybersecurity risks that are a result of human error.
  • A lack of understanding of the business benefits of Cloud computing and flexible/remote working systems.

For some, the statistics could be seen as bizarre. This is particularly so when you consider that 93% of respondents (in a Cloud computing survey involving 250 IT decision-makers in South Africa), said that they do believe flexible working, paired with the right technology, could significantly increase staff productivity and boost positive outcomes.

The numbers show that;

  1. Only 59% of businesses interested in incorporating Cloud computing into their business model are doing so to introduce remote and flexible working opportunities to their employees.
  2. 74% indicated that they were interested in Cloud computing for the improved data security and better document management that it ensures.
  3. 61% indicated that their interest in Cloud computing was solely based on saving business costs.

Do Staff Want Flexible and Remote Working Opportunities in SA?

Staff members were also put in the spotlight and asked how they feel about remote and flexible working in a recent survey.

The result was that; 58% of staff felt they were more productive working remotely/flexibly, whereas 32% said they have the same productivity levels whether in the office, on the go, or working from home. There is, of course, the 7% of respondents that indicated that working from home might prove difficult and affect their productivity levels negatively. These percentages do give business owners something to think about…

4IR – South Africa Needs to Get on Board with Digital Transformation

The fourth industrial revolution is upon us, and while the rest of the world soars ahead with flexible and remote working made possible with Cloud computing, South Africa seems to be lagging instead of welcoming the change. Companies need to keep up with the global digital transformation, but they also need to provide a working environment that inspires productivity and loyalty from staff members.

When companies in South Africa embrace Cloud computing to change the way they work, they will reap the benefits. For instance, Cloud computing enables employees to collaborate better. It also allows them to connect and share information with greater ease. Cloud computing makes document control, sharing, and management so simple. What’s not to love?

Last Word

If your business is being left behind in the global digital transformation; perhaps now is the time to consider Cloud computing. Take the time to find how it can benefit you, your business and of course, your employees. Cloud computing is changing the way the world does business – be a part of that change!