Cyber Winter, Mitigating the Risks | Cybersecurity Threats

Priming for a Cybersecurity Winter

Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent around the world, particular only to the area in which you live. The latest floods that affected many parts of South Africa are a powerful reminder that it’s essential to be prepared for the unexpected.

Another danger that is not dissimilar to the risks of winter that has increased hugely in recent years, is the threat of cyber attacks – and preparation is just as important to combat this online scourge.

Just as you would safeguard your home against the threats of winter, here are the steps you can follow to safeguard your business data as online threats persist.

Get your data ready for “cyber winter”

You wouldn’t leave your house vulnerable to extreme events like flooding and severe rainstorms – yet many businesses are still unprepared for a cyberattack.

Here’s how you can prepare your company for the deep winter that could follow a major data breach or ransomware event.

Like winter, cyberattacks are coming

Every autumn, homeowners across the country have their roofs checked for leaks and their wooden doors and windows oiled in preparation for the coming rain and cold.

Cybersecurity is no less important, and getting your business ready for this year’s onslaught of ransomware and social engineering attacks is crucial.

Every department in your business will need  to do a data audit and compile a full inventory of sensitive information, divided into the following categories:

  • customer data
  • employee data
  • payment credentials
  • proprietary business data

Once you know exactly how much data your business has in storage, it’s time to estimate the potential damage that  could be caused if it were to be compromised in a cyber attack.

A business impact assessment of this kind will help you estimate the response requirements that your organisation will have to carry out in the wake of a cyber attack.

In any scenario, you’re safer with secure cloud storage

When it comes to cybersecurity, it’s always best to prepare for the worst. Keeping your company’s data safe in the cloud will give you peace of mind as you navigate the freeze outs that can happen in this sometimes scary online world.

Our range of secure cloud storage packages for businesses of every size will help ensure that you have an uncorrupted copy of all your data available for rapid restoration.