eCommerce trends

eCommerce Becomes Social Commerce as Facebook Rolls Out Shops!

For a long time, dedicated business websites were for eCommerce while social media platforms were for connecting with people. And then, all of a sudden, these features merged and become one: social commerce.

What is social commerce? Think about the “check out” features on Instagram, the “buyable pins” on Pinterest, and the “shop now” buttons on Facebook. Yup, social media platforms have turned places to connect with people into places to convert connections into paying customers. And the eCommerce world is loving it!

Facebook Shops Gradual Setup

Facebook has taken social commerce beyond the “shop now” button that transfers customers to an external online store. The new Facebook Shop feature will be far more functional and effective than the existing “Market Place”. Recently, the social media giant announced the rollout of fully integrated Shops that will be available on Facebook and Instagram.

Of course, shopping on social media platforms has always been possible to some degree, and in a way, Facebook has been setting up this functionality gradually over the recent years. With more people now working from home due to lockdowns across the globe, it would seem to be the perfect time to launch a whole new way of doing business on social media platforms.

The Potential for Facebook Shops

Social commerce offers online vendors amazing opportunities to sell more. Instead of just connecting with potential customers and hoping that they click through to the business website, store owners can now present products directly to their audience where they are more likely to buy immediately.

The statistics show a sharp upward trend in online sales since the pandemic arrived. The stats from 26 May to 1 June 2020, show that sales increased for online purchases by a whopping 40%. That’s a lot…and means that many small businesses that sell online now have the opportunity to earn more from their social connections.

Take Your Business Online

If you are looking to take home a piece of the eCommerce pie, you need to ensure that your business is firmly entrenched online. Just remember that with more online activity and sales comes the responsibility of the safety and security of your customers’ personal data. Be cautious about your set up, make sure that you educate yourself about data protection or set up a social commerce store with the likes of Facebook and rely on their security set up, but be alert always for security breaches.