Have you ever thought of making use of the various safety and security features that your mobile device has to offer? Many mobile devices and smartphones offer some form of tracking service to be used if the device is stolen or goes missing. While many people overlook these services and don’t even think to activate them, some people have and it is these people who have benefited the most.
In a society where crime is on the increase, it is essential that we make use of the tools provided to protect us and our belongings. Being a victim is simply not an option. One particular success story certainly highlights how technology and the various security advancements that we have enjoyed over the years can have a positive impact and bring about happy outcomes. This is the story of the recent home robbery that occurred in Sandton.
Just last month, 5 robbers revelling in their loot, were caught out by the “Find My iPad” application, activated by the owner of the stolen device and used by the local police to track down the assailants. The ‘Track my iPad’ service allows owners to track the approximate location of the device in the event of loss or theft. While the service didn’t take police directly to the thieves, it did take them to the close proximity where the police then began searching local taverns and a nearby house that they received further information on, during their search.
The robbers were found along with other stolen items which consisted of a variety of vehicles, jewellery, unlicensed firearms, laptops and more. This is a story of technology working for the greater good!
Do you make use of your mobile security services? How do you ensure that your devices and the data that you store on them are safe and secure from prying eyes and hands? Let us know if you have had a similar success story of if you have any mobile and device security ideas of your own!