security awareness programme for employees

Security Awareness Programme for Employees | Cybersecurity

The key to building a security awareness programme for employees

The best cyber security system in the world won’t be able to protect your business if your employees leave the door open for cyber criminals – even if they don’t mean to.

Since human error is usually the weak link in every digital security chain, it’s essential to create a culture of security awareness in your organisation. Let’s find out how you can launch a successful program to empower your employees in the fight against hacking and other digital crimes.

don’t leave the back door open

Many people think that cyberattacks are the work of hacking geniuses who go out all out to crack data encryption codes and take down firewalls. But in reality, some of the most successful data breaches are the result of employees and other authorised users clicking on suspicious links or downloading email attachments that give hackers access to the company’s data.

  • Giving your team members the knowledge and skills to prevent cyberattacks is the first step in securing your sensitive data.
  • Creating a culture of online security awareness will help close the holes in your day to day safety net – and initiatives like this have to start at the top.

how executives can help secure company data

A comprehensive data security awareness project requires time, a training budget, and executive leadership to emphasise the importance of securing company information.

  • By spearheading the initiative, executives and senior managers can create a sense of seriousness and urgency around data security that will inspire other employees to comply with the company’s security protocols.
  • In addition, proper synergy with other departments in the company like HR, legal, IT, and compliance will ensure that the organisation moves as a whole to secure its sensitive information.

launching a security awareness programme for employees

The success of any security awareness programme for employees needs the buy in and support from all decision makers, departments and teams. The commitment to security awareness has to happen at every level.

Once a data security awareness program for employees has been launched, it’s a matter of keeping it moving and analysing its results.

Analyse, plan, deploy, measure and optimise your security efforts to keep track of your company’s data security and keep improving it over time.

concerned about your company’s data security? Let’s talk

Every business has unique needs and unique people which requires a programme designed to recognise the who, why, how and where of your organisation. Be sure to develop a people-centric security awareness programme for your employees that talks to them, not at them.

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