WhatsApp scams Increase | Apps

Watch out for new WhatsApp scams

Most people these days use WhatsApp to stay in touch, and work teams frequently communicate with colleagues using the popular app.

Unfortunately, cybercriminals keep finding ways of impersonating WhatsApp contacts and that could lead to serious financial losses for unsuspecting victims.

We have posted before about the dangers of Whatsapp scams and it seems like fraudsters keep getting smarter, coming up with new ways of causing trouble using the app to pose as friends, relatives, managers, and business entities.

Here’s what to look out for as a WhatsApp user in 2023.

That message from the boss? Check that it’s not fake

The latest WhatsApp scam going around the country involves messages that sound like they’re from your boss or manager.

In reality, these communications are the work of criminals bent on defrauding your company.

  • If you receive a message claiming to be from your manager or another senior member of staff, it’s essential to verify that the person who sent it is really who they say they are.
  • A message of any kind from an unknown number, asking you to make a purchase or transfer funds, should raise a flag and be regarded as suspicious until such time as you have verified the sender.
  • Receiving a “help, I’m in trouble” message from someone claiming to be a colleague can be alarming, but before you fire up your banking app to assist them, it’s essential to verify their identity – preferably with a phone call.

Despite online security measures, there’s no denying that a big part of our lives are public knowledge nowadays – and cybercriminals are more than capable of researching a company and identifying its managers and team members to carry out these kinds of attacks.

Beware of fake business accounts

If you receive an exciting message offering you a brand new product or service – especially a premium offering like luxury goods at a price that’s too good to be true – you could be dealing with a fake WhatsApp business account.

Mobile phone users have been conned out of thousands of Rands after responding to messages from fake businesses and paying for products that never materialise.

As with the impersonation scams above, there are several ways to stay safe and avoid cybercriminals that are simple yet effective:

  1. Reduce the risk by restricting your shared information on WhatsApp.
  2. Avoid being added to groups automatically by restricting your profile.
  3. Treat WhatsApp with the same protocol as email – don’t click on unknown links, don’t forward content and double check everything.
  4. Introduce a WhatsApp policy for your business and ensure staff are educated about new security threats.

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