The Business Continuity Imperative: Ensuring resilience through cloud backup solutions
As South Africa faces a rapidly increasing number of cyberattacks this year, businesses across the country are coming to terms with the fact that their data can and may be compromised in the near future.
If your organisation is unfortunate enough to fall prey to an online attack, the one thing on everyone’s mind (from management all the way to the IT department) should be continuity of operations. The question for every business is however, how to ensure continuity when the very data that underlies your business processes has been compromised.
Let’s take a look at some recent news about South Africa’s cybersecurity crisis and find out how businesses can secure their data for uninterrupted trading following a cyberattack.
Time to beef up your defences against cyberattacks
The ultimate goal of cybercriminals is to compromise your company’s data and demand a ransom for its return.
This criminal strategy can be extremely effective if the company loses access to its sensitive files – but a recent backup of every important piece of data safely encrypted in the cloud means that the hackers have lost before negotiations even begin.
Recent cyberattacks against Telkom, the office of the Chief Justice, and even a high tech security provider like Tracker prove yet again that businesses and government departments are not immune from online data theft- in fact, every internet user needs to be on their guard as cybercrime increases.
Secure cloud backup is the most powerful weapon against cybercriminals, and it can be obtained affordably. Our range of backup solutions that scale up to suit the needs of growing businesses are a case in point.
Securing sensitive data couldn’t be more important in 2024
Perpetrator Type

South Africa faced 230 million cyberthreats in 2022 alone and this figure is likely to be much larger for 2023 and ‘24 when the latest data becomes available.
With over 90% of the threats to local businesses arising from email cybercrime and an ongoing lack of staff training to identify suspicious correspondence, it’s likely that more and more businesses will fall prey to this type of crime.
This corresponds closely to the findings of a research paper published in 2017 which identified “hactivism” and data loss as major threats to South African businesses.
When a cyberattack does occur, continuity is key. Here are some strategies businesses can implement to prevent losing access to their data.
Cloud storage is a key component of business continuity
A cyberattack may be the last thing that any manager or company owner wants to think about, but the harsh reality is that thinking about it is crucial – and preferably, ahead of time.
In the minutes and hours following a cyberattack, your first priority will be returning your systems to functionality and recovering lost or corrupted data to ensure business continuity.
A cybersecurity response plan – which can be meticulously thought out in advance and simply put into action in the worst-case scenario – is key during the damage mitigation phase following the attack.
Secure cloud storage is an essential component of any cybersecurity response plan because encrypted immutable storage means that your data will remain safe in the cloud even if your physical storage is compromised. A solid backup solution and response plan means that a business is able to safeguard its data and ensure business continuity in the event of a cyberattack.
Soteria’s range of secure cloud storage solutions for businesses of all sizes are your first line of defence against data theft. To learn more about our encrypted backup service, visit our website today.