Smarter Cybercriminals

Smarter Cybercriminals – Better Backup

The Ransomware Wave Intensifies as Cybercriminals Get Smarter

Ransomware is one of the most pressing online threats facing businesses today, and the not-so-good news is that it’s becoming more sophisticated.

Cybercriminals are discovering new ways to use AI to perpetrate online attacks, with several prominent businesses—including Starbucks—recently falling victim. To make matters worse, hackers are recruiting software developers on the dark web to raise the sophistication of their attacks to a level where many cybersecurity systems may be unable to stop them.

As the threat landscape becomes more advanced, business owners must take steps to protect their valuable data. Let’s look at the evolving threats and see what you can do to safeguard your company’s information.

Businesses of all sizes fall prey to ransoware attacks

The days when only large corporations were targeted by cybercriminals using ransomware are truly over.

Despite ongoing attacks against providers like Blue Yonder—which recently forced Starbucks shops across America to switch to a manual entry system to pay their baristas—cybercriminals are increasingly setting their sights on small and medium-sized businesses. These businesses have the funds to pay significant ransoms but often don’t have cutting-edge cybersecurity systems in place.

A striking example of such an attack is the recent ransomware disaster experienced by British logistics company Knights.

  • Russian hackers demanded millions of pounds to release encrypted files, including the company’s financial records.
  • Ultimately, rather than pay the ransom, the company’s management was forced to borrow large sums of money and eventually, to seek a buyer for the business as operations came to a complete halt.

The ease with which cyberattacks of this kind are being carried out raises the question: how sophisticated have hackers become that they’re able to bypass industry-standard cybersecurity systems?

Worryingly, the answer is very sophisticated indeed.

Cybercriminals harness AI and software professionals to carry out attacks

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising the way many industries do business, and unfortunately, cybercriminals are all too aware of its potential to assist in carrying out ransomware attacks.

  • Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, can be used to clean up phishing emails and make them sound entirely legitimate.
  •  Cybercriminals even programme AI applications to imitate the tone used by companies in their PR materials, making impersonation scams more believable.

While some cybercriminals are turning to AI, a worrying trend on the dark web has emerged, where Russian hackers have started recruiting software developers to find security loopholes in their own ransomware and other harmful apps.

This helps them evade detection and mitigation efforts by cybersecurity experts.

These incidents show that cybercriminals are not only extremely serious about continuing their attacks but are also targeting smaller and less well-known businesses with sophisticated ransomware that may be difficult to evade.

This makes it absolutely imperative for companies to invest in secure cloud storage so that a working version of critical company data is always available in the cloud.

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