Soteria Online Backup – Cloud Backup Solutions

Cloud Backup Solutions – Why do I need Soteria Backup?

Running a business today means dealing with a huge amount of data, even if you’re not in the tech industry. 

From customer information, including confidential banking details, to proprietary product designs and confidential documents, the information that used to be locked away in a filing cabinet is now stored in electronic form – and it’s easier to steal.

The recent wave of cyberattacks sweeping the country mirrors similar trends overseas, and as of now there would appear to be no end in sight. Secure cloud storage is a proven method to minimise the impact of a ransomware attack, data leak, or hacking attempt, since you have a recent copy of all your important business documents saved securely in the cloud.

Let’s take a look at some of the features of cloud storage that make it so essential for businesses of all sizes.

Automated backup solutions

One of the great features of secure cloud storage is that it can be set up to automatically save files to the cloud without you or your staff having to put them there one by one.

  • If you’re still relying on manual backups, chances are good that you’ve already tried to find a file in the cloud – only to realise that the latest version wasn’t there. 
  • In the event of a cyberattack, not having the latest version of a file could mean that cybercriminals do have it and you may be forced to pay a ransom in order to obtain it from them.

Automated backup ensures that the latest version of every file is saved to the cloud in encrypted form. You can schedule these backups to take place on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis, depending on how frequently you update your files.

Scalable encrypted storage solutions that grow with your business

The most important feature of a secure backup system is that your files are safe in the cloud, unreachable by hackers. Furthermore, you should have enough storage to meet your company’s needs without overpaying for capacity that you don’t use.

Secure cloud storage solutions like those we offer cover all these bases, with immutable storage offering a guarantee that cybercriminals will not be able to access or change the data as it’s kept safe on our servers. 

Soteria cloud storage packages are suitable for businesses of all sizes with varying amounts of secure data since they can be scaled up in capacity depending on how many gigabytes you require. 

This allows you to increase your storage capacity as the needs of your business grow: an ideal feature for companies of all sizes.  Best of all, it means that we can grow with you as a trusted provider over the years.

In short – Soteria backup offers:

  • Security and peace of mind
  • Automatic offsite backups
  • Data encryption
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility
  • Compatibility
  • Cost-effective cloud backup
  • Encrypted backup
  • Local servers and support

To find out more about our range of secure cloud packages and how Soteria’s online backup can benefit business of all sizes, visit our product page today. 

Streamlining your Backup | Real-time Cloud backup

Streamlining Your Backup Process – How Soteria Offers One Solution for All Your Backup Needs

Every year, South African businesses lose millions of Rand to cybercriminals, and with the incidence of ransomware attacks and hacking incidents still rising it’s only a matter of time until your business finds itself in their crosshairs.

Unless, of course, you take proactive steps like automated backups.

  • Keeping a recent copy of your important files can make the difference between total disaster and a chance of recovery in the wake of a cyberattack.
  • Manually backing up your files is not only time-consuming but also impractical for most business owners. That’s why automated backups are the best option for enterprises of all sizes.

Backups: an essential and overlooked aspect of data security

With all the important things that go on in your business every day, backing up files may not be your top priority.

Companies can go years without backing up their data correctly and not be any worse off for it. Until the day when a cyberattack takes place and owners and management start scrambling to access reliable copies of their important data.

The financial cost to your business in the wake of a cyberattack can be significant, but the long term reputational damage that it can cause could be worse.

Once clients come to learn that their data has been leaked, they may question your business’s commitment to privacy protection- even if you took reasonable measures to avoid the cyberattack. Restoring your data from a recent backup can help you recover operationally and give your customers confidence in your IT security system.

No matter how you look at it, backing up important files is essential. Fortunately, you can save time and enjoy peace of mind by streamlining and automating this process with Soteria.

Discover our simple backup solution for businesses and households

Soteria’s range of secure storage solutions featuring automatic back up is the perfect way to keep your files safe without having to focus on the nitty-gritty of IT security all day.

With Soteria cyber files cloud you can share and manage content with all colleagues and personnel, store any content which can then be synced with all your devices giving you access anytime and anywhere.

To find out more about our products like CloudSync and get started with a package that suits your needs, visit our website today.