Top Things we Have Learned about Cloud Computing So Far

With Cloud Computing becoming the best way to work, store data and even run systems, it has become vital for our IT departments to learn as much as they can about it, to remain competitive, efficient and move with the times.

Cloud Computing has been around for over 10 years now and offers a myriad of advantages. If you still need some convincing, here are a few advantages to using Soteria and this type of backup system:

  • Cloud Computing, still requires expertise, programming, integration work and configuration. Luckily, our team at Soteria Cloud takes care of all of that for you. All you need to do is install the system on your computers and allow it to update automatically. We will do the rest.
  • It offers safe and secure storage options for your data and sensitive information. Your data is never really safe if it is saved in files in your filing cabinet or even on your computer hard drives. At Soteria Cloud we ensure that your data is stored off-site and that it is encrypted with 256-bit military grade encryption. The only person who will gain access to your data is you!
  • It’s easy to use, it’s affordable and it works! Cloud Computing isn’t a scary concept at all. In fact it provides a great deal of convenience to businesses.
  • There’s no training required to use cloud computing. At Soteria Cloud our software is designed to be absolutely user-friendly. Our consultants will ensure that you know precisely how to make use of the software.
  • Even though everything is done in the cloud, support is always available if you run into any problems or have questions along the way.

We are dedicated to providing the market with access to top quality cloud backup options. If you feel like it’s time to start making use of cloud computing, then get in touch today!

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